Dialogue is an essential part of successful interaction between business, governments and democratic institutions. We understand the mechanisms of decision making and support clients in interaction with the state in order to enable them to articulate and protect their interests.

We assist and lead clients in communication with the state authorities, as well as represent clients vis-à-vis state bodies. We help to ground, develop, discuss with the stakeholders and advocate changes to the national regulation.


  • Inspection of business processes and perspective projects of the client with regard to their compliance with applicable legislation
  • Facilitation of the clients’ communication with the state authorities
  • Development and advocacy of the new legislation or changes to the current law
  • Consulting on commercial operations with the state: advice on tender procedures, financing and lease of public real estate, public-private partnership agreements
  • Consulting on resolution of disputes with the state


Vyacheslav Korchev

Senior Partner, Ukraine