Failure to comply with the corporate business ethics, internal and external rules and regulations may entail compliance risks. The consequences can be different - from fines and claims for compensation for damages to a long ban on the company's management from holding managerial positions. In order to prevent these risks, companies need to create internal compliance systems.

Over the years, INTEGRITES has been assisting companies from a wide range of industries in developing appropriate rules, codes of conduct, action plans in case of identifying a violation and training employees in relevant rules and behaviour.

Our core competencies:

  • Development of rules of conduct (codes, policies) and making recommendations to comply with these rules

  • Development of a code of conduct for employees

  • Development and recommendations for the implementation of internal policies and procedures, in particular in the areas of:

    • Anti-corruption;
    • Rules for receiving and giving gifts;
    • Rules for the prevention and management of conflicts of interest;
    • Rules on confidentiality and protection of information;
    • Rules for the protection of personal data; o Rules for the prevention of violations of antitrust laws (antitrust compliance);
    • Rules for the prevention of violations in the field of consumer protection.
  • Conducting trainings on the implementation of the compliance system

  • Conducting a compliance audit in order to identify, assess and analyze risks, and compile a risk map

  • Support during an internal investigation of violations committed by company employees

  • Development of the counterparties’ compliance check procedure

  • Audit of counterparties, including sanction list check-up


Illya Tkachuk

Senior Partner, Ukraine