INTEGRITES unites Ukrainian female business community through its Lady Leaders initiative


INTEGRITES launches Lady Leaders, the initiative aimed to empower Ukrainian businesswomen through personal development and networking, to acknowledge and celebrate their resilience and spirit during the war.

The kick-off session – a soiree with a well-known Ukrainian perfumer Bohdan Zubchenko – took place in Kyiv on May 16, 2024. The participants learned about a modern olfactory wardrobe, the trends in the art of perfumery, they also discovered many new niche fragrances. JAN niche concept, one of the largest chains of niche perfumery and cosmetics stores in Ukraine, became the partner of the event.

During the event, INTEGRITES also announced its support of the fundraiser for the Children of Heroes Charity Fund, which provides comprehensive long-term support to children who lost one or both parents as a result of the war. The Lady Leaders participants joined the fundraising campaign for the Children of Heroes, having collected UAH 22,500 for the educational needs of the kids who lost their parents in the war.

“Women in Ukraine now deserve the highest recognition, as they are multitasking every day in a country at war. They are raising children, pursuing career paths, volunteering and doing a million other things under tremendous psychological pressure. Lady Leaders brings together successful women to spend quality time together, learning new things, making new connections and making a difference for a good cause”, comments Head of Communications at INTEGRITES Tetyana Potapova