INTEGRITES partner Victoriya Fomenko spoke at Wealth Pro Conference Ukraine Kyiv 2020


Victoriya Fomenko, partner, head of Tax & Customs and Private Clients at INTEGRITES, spoke at Wealth Pro Conference Ukraine Kyiv 2020.

In her presentation, Victoriya covered the perspectives for applying double taxation conventions in terms of current practice and upcoming changes. In particular, she answered in detail the following questions:

  • What do taxpayers need to know in order to take advantage of the Double Taxation Convention?
  • What is the purpose test and how to use it?
  • How to determine the substance of the company depending on its functions?

The international B2C conference and exhibition Wealth Pro Ukraine Kyiv 2020, which took place in Kyiv on February 20-21, gathered more than 250 representatives of the financial, investment and consulting sectors from the CIS, Europe, Asia and the USA.