INTEGRITES participates in Rapid Recovery of Ukraine business forum in Luxembourg


INTEGRITES partner Igor Krasovskiy took part in the Rapid Recovery of Ukraine – the first of the kind business forum hosted by Ukraine-Luxembourg Business Club and held in Luxembourg on Jan 31, 2023. The forum brought together officials, prominent businesses, financiers, investors, intentional experts and lawyers from across Europe to discuss actions needed now to ensure smooth and quick recovery of Ukraine after the war is over.

Igor Krasovskiy co-moderated the panel discussion about the role of financial sector and international financial institutions in the recovery and reconstruction of Ukraine. The panel was composed of prominent financiers, top managers of public and private banks and experts from international financial institutions.


Igor Krasovskiy: “This brilliantly organized event presents a platform to create a synergy between business, investors, financiers and experts to make Ukraine succeed economically. INTEGRITES has always been and will remain at the forefront of actions and initiatives helping Ukraine to prosper economically and achieve a long-awaited victory.”


About ULBC Ukraine-Luxembourg Business Club, founded in Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg in 2017, is a non-profit organization facilitating vibrant business-to-business relations between Ukraine and Luxembourg