INTEGRITES held HR-club meeting «Labour relations during the pandemic»

14.12.2020 Illya Tkachuk

On December 10, 2020, INTEGRITES team held an online HR-club meeting devoted to «Labour relations during the pandemic: novelties and perspectives of labour legislation, practical insights».

During the event, the speakers – Inna Kostrytska, Attorney, Senior Associate at Labour Law practice at INTEGRITES and Associate of the practice Yuliya Bleshmudt told about the changes in the labour legislation due to the quarantine and gave practical insights on how to organize work during it, in particular on:

  • formalizing the remote work and flexible work schedule
  • liability for employees who do not comply with the sanitary and epidemiological standards
  • employer’s obligations in case of illness of the employee with COVID-19
  • admission to work of persons who were in contact with a COVID-19 patient
  • legality to claim PCR testing and payment

The speakers also told about the novelties brought by the Law 1071-IX regarding social support for employees and businesses during the quarantine, as well as the prospective legislation to be implemented in 2021. These draft laws mainly relate to better regulation of remote and home-based work, transition to electronic sickness certificates and electronic work record cards, paternity leave etc.

The event was attended by more than 50 heads of HR and specialists in this field from the Ukrainian and international companies.

More about HR-club –