INTEGRITES HR-club meeting «Labour inspections in a new way: tips and tricks»


INTEGRITES welcomes to attend the HR-club meeting «Labour inspections in a new way: tips and tricks».

When: October 6, 2020 | 10 am

Format: online


  • Vasyl Yurmanovych, Counselat INTEGRITES, Labour and Corporate Law practices
  • Inna Kostrytska, Senior Associate at INTEGRITES, Labour and Corporate Law practices
  • Yuliya Bleshmudt, Associate at INTEGRITES, Labour and Corporate Law practices



  • The State Labour Service campaign: grounds and types of inspections, employers in focus
  • Peculiarities of the «national hunt» for unreported employees
  • Well-rehearsed improvisation: how to get ready to and to act during the inspection
  • Fines of the State Labour Service under the new regulation
  • Appealing the inspection results


The participation is free. Register here